Re: Interior color coordination help
In the three photos above, the carpet looks to be saddle, not brown. Still confused, but leaning toward saddle carpet. Also, the a/c side vents in my truck are chrome. Was saddle vent ball housings how it came from the factory? Not too worried (or care) about this item, just curious.
One more question: It seems the PO glued something on the dash pad and since removed. However, there is silicon sealant residue all over the otherwise pristine dash pad. Any ideas how to remove silicon sealant from the dash pad without destroying the dash pad?
9teen69: Funny, I was just discussing with my wife day before your post that I was contemplating changing the interior to all black! She was indifferent. After your post, I might leave it saddle. The reason I was contemplating black is that almost everything in the interior needs to be replaced eventually.