Thread: VSS Options
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Old 05-07-2015, 11:38 AM   #2
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Re: VSS Options

Originally Posted by MalibuSSwagon View Post
So working on gathering parts and pieces for my 5.3L swap. One issue I haven't quite tackled yet is the VSS. Right now I am going to reuse the factory SM465, this is a 2WD truck. I would like to stick with a 40 PPR VSS as I plan to swap to an NV4500 later on at some point, prehaps when my bank account recovers . What would be my best choice? Jags that run has the diff mounted tone ring, which seems like the best deal price wise. Next, Dakota Digital has a little bullet shaped unit which bolts right onto the cable drive from the transmission, but pricy for what it is and I couldn't run my mechanical speedo which I was planning to do until I go the truck re-geared.

Any other tricks you guys have?
You've got a pretty good handle on it. With your requirement to keep 40 pulses per driveshaft revolution and a mechanical speedo, the JTR tone ring is about the only game in town. Anything else that I can think of will cost you more and be more of a headache in the long run.
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