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Old 05-08-2015, 08:49 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by gmachinz View Post
Its more like a Chinese version of Amazon. Since they have big manufacturing areas they are trying to get a piece of the internet mail order business. I wouldn't buy from them tho. Imagine if China ends up as the largest buyer of bulk raw materials AND takes over as the largest online supplier of everything? No competition then, crap quality, etc. I find it odd they try to limit their own peoples access to the internet while at the same time wanting everybody to purchase their junk. Never mind the price manipulations of their own IPO stock value-to date I don't believe they've disclosed to investors exactly how their business model guarantees a return. Its risky dealing with overseas (aka communist) companies IMO.
Most everything comes from Asia as it is. Raw materials? We've become an exporter of scrap (raw materials) to make all the stuff we and the world buy.

Is competition having a distributor of Asian goods acting as a buffer better than buying directly? The larger issue is the US chooses not to compete in a global market. The Asians compete, initially produce an inferior product, gain market share, improve the product and in the case of Japan repeat, or China, simply increase market share and drive prices down until quality manufacturers die off. But where does the cash come from? The world buying those fenders, nail clippers, rubber bands, etc.

Counterfeit gun parts? I doubt the makers hide where the parts come from. But they aren't selling them. You can buy the same stuff here with the sticker rubbed off. You know its junk by the price, but they're getting better. Look a Chinese knives.
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