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Old 05-11-2015, 04:48 PM   #1
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1 connecting Rod bearing tight... Help

I am working on a motor. The Book calls for .001 to .0025 clearance. It is an inline 6. Connecting rods 1-4 and 6 all check good with plasti gauge at .0015. Number 5 was right at the tight .001 maybe a little tighter. When #5 is torqued down it makes the assembly almost impossible to turn, it is very scary tight. I have checked the cap and the rod direction etc. It appears to be assembled correct. What are my options?

It is not a race motor etc. But it needs to be right. Can I take a little bearing material off with scotch bright pad or something? Can I take the rod and bearing to the machine shop and have anything done? Or do I need to pull the crank out and have the journal polished?

The crank was machined and polished. When I checked the crank with a mic. it seemed good. Should I try a different bearing? The torque spec on the caps is 30 to 35. At 33 it is tight at 28 it is at .0015
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