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Old 05-12-2015, 04:22 AM   #5
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Re: Took the sawzall challenge

Everything else was routine stuff, shortened the brake line 12" and had to modify the fuel lines to fit next to the cross-member. New cab and core support mounts of course seeings how we had to raise the cab anyway and they were shot (only 43+ years old!). I already had poly bushings in the trailing arms and panhard bar so those were a quick in and out. Then I towed it home to do a transmission change and exhaust, parts are supposed to be here before the weekend and I hope to get it running.

Safety chained it but took this picture first.

A tow of this distance (12-15 miles) would cost me around 100+ so my $49.95 tow bar, towing lights, and wire jumper kit for the tow vehicle all come to about a one-way trip, I had to make two trips so the tow stuff paid for itself already and now I have it.

Yeah I'm gonna rattle-can the back of the cab for the time being.
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