What brand of 2-post lifts?
Did a search and could not find what I was looking for. I am in the process of building a shop and would like to prep for a lift that will be installed down the road. I have settled on a 2 -post, 9000-10,000 pound capacity lift.
I have looked at BendPak, Auto Lift, Triumph and Altas brands. There are others, but cost becomes a factor. The 2 BendPak models are right at $3k shipped. The Auto Lift is $1850 shipped. The Atlas is $1600 plus freight. and the Triumph ranges from $1700-$2000 shipped.
BendPack and Altas have the widest drive thru dimensions at 106" and 101.5" respectively. The Triumph and Auto Lift are 92" and 93".
At this point I am leaning toward the Atlas XH-9KOH lift depending on the freight. I am looking at getting it thru GregSmithEquipment.com.
What do you guys have or recommend. Do any of you have experience with the Atlas lift? The BendPak is about $1k higher in price and looks to be a very good product. Just want some feedback from you that have lifts of your own or have used them in you work...