Thread: 61K10 build
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Old 05-16-2015, 12:09 AM   #547
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Re: 61K10 build

Hey Kimble great build! I've been lurking around for awhile. I have a 63 K10 that I've had for 27 years. It's been sitting for 10 years and I'm getting ready to get it going again. Just formulating a plan. My question is about the 3:38 gears in the rear. You stated that you could get 3:31's for the 44. But that wasn't close enough. I know they're suppose to be the same to prevent gear bind and breaking things but the difference doesn't sound that great. I had heard that a slightly lower (numerical) front gear could be beneficial as it gave a slight pull in 4 wheel drive. I'm interested as the 3:92's weren't a strong point for a daily driver.
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