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Old 05-16-2015, 09:28 AM   #8
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Re: 1965 GMC fleetside - is it worth the price

are you sure its an inline? it has the v6 badges.

just to counter whats been said, a gmc shortbed is a real hens tooth to me, meaning rare, if I was in the market for one and it wasnt rusted to hell it would be worth more than 3-4k to me. there is almost 2500 just in clean sheetmetal on that truck counting the bed and gmc tailgate, front fenders and gmc hood, and gmc 4 light grille. if it had a big rear window it would be 6-7k to me, I have seen big window short bed chevys SELL for that, never mind asking, so a small window gmc with all the unique parts, probably close.

just my crappy opinion worth what it cost.
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