Originally Posted by '68 Newtricks
Is this 12" all spring lift? If so, you are in for new springs no mater what. I would look at Tuff Country 6" all spring lift kits. Make sure the 3/4 ton swap includes a 14bff for the rear, since you mentioned towing. Anything less would be zero improvement. (14bsf slight improvement)
Some things come to mind.
drive shaft length (rear axle will change this, so be careful)
T-case drop
shock length
brake line length
steering correction or removing steering correction (if it's not crossover, it's probably scary sh*t at 12" of lift)
lol 12" of lift on 1/2 tons, oh boy
It a full spring lift, it was done right. I bought it like this a couple of years ago. It was a good buy cause the truck is in great shape and runs great, my plans is for a 14FF, but your right 12" of lift on a half ton is a tall order if it is used everyday, I'll try and figure out how to post a picture of it. Thanks
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