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Old 05-17-2015, 04:17 AM   #5
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Re: Serpentine on sbc. TBI or vortec style

Originally Posted by Nitis View Post
Basically can tbi style and vortec style seeps be swapped back and forth

Here are the bolt patterns. TBI same as Vortec, but on older heads with perimeter valve covers you need to drill/tap at least one hole on the passenger side. If you drill some "thin" casting heads, (ones I've seen but can't vouch for all of them), you will go through to the coolant passage but you can still epoxy a stud in there to hold the bracket and seal the leak you just created. One could limit how deep he tapped the hole to make a tight fit on the bolt and maybe use some Teflon paste, silicone, permatex, what have you but I'd expoxy a stud to be sure, and while I'm at it I will use grade 8 for longevity. "All-thread" would work too, maybe wrap some beer can metal around it if the hole is too sloppy in the bracket or an old metric to SAE alternator sleeve.
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