We had a heck of a scare last night... Jan and I were watching the 10:00 news when we heard that a Body Shop on Industrial Dr. in Mulvane was on fire... The news didn't say the name of the shop so I tried to call over there with the phone company giving a message that basically said the phones were out at that location...
So we got in the car and drove over to the shop When we rounded the corner this is what we saw... As we pulled up and walked to the shop we Saw Chris' Trailer sitting there and all of the doors were open on the shop... We rounded the front of the trailer and 2 of Chris' show cars (the 66 Mustang full custom and the 66 T-Bird old school Custom) were sitting in the trailer and the trailer was all but burnt completely to the ground an the cars were all but melted...
There was smoke still coming out of the shop Doors... My Heart just sunk... about that time Drew, Chris' son came over and said everything inside was ok... There was alot of smoke damage in the East side of the building and Chris' 60 Pontiac suffered alot of smoke damage but it appeared that all of the customer cars were fine... The building has 3 sections to it with fire doors in between and they were shut... This happened in the East side and Chris was in the West Side of the building in the paint booth painting a car... Our truck was in the middle section of the building about 20 foot from where the fire was...
I am sure they will be shut down for a few days here but we hope they can get caught up and get rolling on our truck...