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Old 05-19-2015, 11:45 AM   #11
Catchy title goes here..
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Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Rockwell, NC
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Re: Green Defrost Vents & Visor Hooks

to make it simpler i will use this example.

I post a newspaper ad to sell my car, house, whatever.. someone calls me to ask a question. I return their call and get voicemail. The next call I return comes over with cash in hand and buys it. Was I suppose to wait for potential buyer number one to call back? Not by far.

With 10 years of selling at swap meets and owning a muscle car parts store (before online classifieds were a thing) and 13 years of working on this site, I have seen countless deals worked out. I have missed out on a bunch myself. However, I would never expect someone hold something for me when I ask a question.

Feel free to PM Josh or myself with any questions on the rules when you review them. We are very familiar with them and the guidelines and would be more than happy to answer and questions you may have. Typing on cel, sorry about any typos or oddness.
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