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Old 05-21-2015, 03:05 PM   #1
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Location: Houston, Texas
Posts: 9
NOOB Installing Vintage Air '72 c10


I live in Houston and I am hoping for some help / guidance! I just got a '72 C10 nonfactory air truck (been looking for the right truck for 2 years!). I am wanting to install a Vintage Air Kit to get A/C. My questions are: 1) Is Vintage Air the best line for this year? 2) Can I install this on my own, what's the difficulty level? I am a bit mechanically inclinded but not a mechanic... 3) This truck is a nonfactor air truck but does have heater w/ controls. Do I need to buy new control panel from LMC so it has the controls for the A/C and Heater?

I live in Houston and offer free beer to those to would be willing to "guide me" along along the way!
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