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Old 05-22-2015, 05:11 PM   #1
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$$ forced into a 1 piece driveshaft! ;)

Here's the story:

Today I took my 2 piece down to have new u - joints installed and have it balanced. It was going to be $180 which I thought was reasonable. When I got down there I discovered the center yoke that bolts on had a 3/4 inch chunk missing around where the keeper rides in the groove. After a discussion with the employee he said, "there is strength there, but who knows how much". I agreed and asked if he could get another. He called around and found 1 for $116 which we both thought was high. I knew I could get one from the parts board here, but thought I'd ask about a 1 piece. He quoted me $265. So seeing the difference between 296 and 265, I decided on a 1 piece. I went home to measure about 10 times to verify the proper length. Best part, he was slow today, and I'll have it later this afternoon. I'll post some pictures when I get it.

I guess the moral of the story is, don't beat your u - joints in with a hammer. I didn't see the chunk missing initially because it was rusted and dirty, and blended in.
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