Originally Posted by Chrispbrown36
First question, would this be causing a vacuum issue?
it could, to test it
just plug this port on your carb and see how she runs with it closed off
Originally Posted by Chrispbrown36
Second question, if it is the source of my problem where can I get a part to replace the broken one? Could I use a push in breather with the tube and run it back to the throttle body?
Yes, this is just Positive Crancase Ventilation that sucks the fumes out of the valve cover back into the carb for emission controls, it does not have to go into the carb, but for SMOG purposes on your truck it should, just go to a junkyard with your broken piece and buy a used one
Very clean engine is that really what the 87s looked like, can you share a pic with the air cleaner housing removed please?