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Old 05-23-2015, 02:30 AM   #6
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Re: Vacuum testing question

That isn't my engine...just one I found online that showed the part that broke well. My engine is a tbi not a carb. On these motors the pcv valve is on the left valve cover and there is a breather on the right that comes out and then there is a hose that runs back into the back of the throttle body.
I believe that motor is from a truck newer than an 87 though because it looks like the tube coming off the air filter housing goes out too far to the left....mine comes out slightly to the left and then runs to the left of the radiator. Otherwise, yes that is what the 87's look like. I will get one up tomorrow of my engine and I will take the air filter housing off for ya too.

Last edited by Chrispbrown36; 05-23-2015 at 02:48 AM.
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