Yes ! You have to post the pic's of the bed cover with spec's
That is great idea!
What happen to this guy\/?
Seems a little crazy on the traders board! I here there is F@#d guys there?
I see none of your "I was only kidding" smileys in this post so I can't help but assume this is just another release of self-aggrandizing bile from you, but this time you have regurgitated your swill in my backyard.
Your narcissistic, derisive offal leads to two camps-- 1) those who think you're a condescending prick (there are more than you might think), and 2) those who line up to play "attaboy" in your Mutual Admiration Society. I've watched your deign toward others; anyone who fails to see you as "god of the truck" by throwing jabs and patters at their 'misguided vision' and their 'lack of judgement' over doing something that they wanted to do, and then 'making it all better' by slapping an ex post facto smiley on the end of your rebuke and claiming "just kidding."
You have posted no less than a half-dozen times this week about how cold it is in New Hampshire... as if anyone gave a fat rat's ass, but then adding to your self-perceived superiority by glibly talking down others whose area temperature is more moderate. WTF?
What I find most amazing about your unceasing need to belittle others who have the desire, creativity, and energy to define a unique sense of style to their personal vehicles, is that, as best I can tell from your shrouded posts on the topic, you drive a ratty old ****box rustbucket whose sole purpose is to sit under a tree catching sap and leaves until you need to clear your driveway.
I pity you and your painfully low self-esteem that you feel the need to build yourself on the backs of others.
And, just received via email from one of the aforementioned members of 'camp 1' --
Pompous Jackass
Main Entry: pomp·ous
Pronunciation: 'päm-p&s
Function: adjective
Date: 15th century
1 : excessively elevated or ornate
2 : having or exhibiting self-importance : ARROGANT
3 : relating to or suggestive of pomp : MAGNIFICENT
- pomp·ous·ly adverb
- pomp·ous·ness noun
Main Entry: jack·ass
Pronunciation: 'jak-"as
Function: noun
Date: 1727
1 : DONKEY; especially : a male donkey
2 : a stupid person : FOOL
You've already threadjacked FCG's post (as have I), so why claim the straight-and-narrow now? Besides, you shouldn't hide your insidious comments so quickly-- before others have a chance to read more of your perniciousness...
Originally posted by CPNE
LOL. It's nice to have created a new lexicon! Known coast-to-coast and in 2 countries! Soon to be introduced as a new word in the dictionary.
Main Entry: boz.all
Pronunciation: bows & all
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): boz-alls, boz-alled, boz-all-ing
Etymology: Modern New England, from Bozo and sawz-all
Date: 2003
1 : To modify or alter to such a point as to render original form or character indistinguishable.
2 : To act and alter in a rash manner with no thought given to alternative approaches.
3 : In extreme cases to render useless.
See also: Hackstoration
Main Entry: boz.all
Pronunciation: bows & all
Function: noun
Etymology: Modern New England, from Bozo and sawz-all
Date: 2003
1 : a person lacking in judgment or prudence
2 : a person with a misguided vision
3 : power cut-off tool junkie