More pics of progress.
Gotta thank Gary, another car enthusiast from town, who came out and made difficult situation much easier, installing the bed.
One question nobody has asked is how I'm going to run the two tone from the cab to the bed. The issue being the 3 or 4 inches drop from the cab line to the rear fender line.
Here's the end result.
Side view.
Doing a lot of measuring before dis-assembly I figured where I wanted the line to be from the cab to the bed.
After all the block sanding was done I sealed the parts, sprayed the areas where the red will be. After the red dried I painstakingly assembled the steps and the fenders to lay out the tape for the red pinstripes, then disassembled for the rest of the paint.
Once done I'm very happy how the stripes matched up when finished.
A huge move forward this weekend so far. I have many odds and ends to finish and install but hopefully I'm past the main nerve racking areas.
Next is get the tail lights working and get this truck to inspection, yup, fingers crossed. The title has issues with Dad passing away, I've checked with the license bureau, I hope I have all the proper paperwork. Jim