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Old 02-10-2004, 08:10 PM   #15
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my friend and his dad did this. They built a shop and then framed up a 10 or 15 by 30 (it's a 30x50 shop) to live in while they build their house. Inside, they just framed up the house with 2x4's, insulated the walls, sheetrock, tape, mud, paint. looks like a really nice apartment inside. They have 1 bed room, 1 living area, and a bathroom. the bedroom has 2 queen size beds...bunk beds really, one above the other. Built into the wall. It's really nice. they put a window unit in the wall for and it cools or heats better than anything else. It's great, shop and house cost them maybe 20,000. Now they just have to build their log cabin!.
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