Hoping to get some advice from the experts. I am outside of the country now, and 90% of the time, so I am relying on paint shop or mechanic intel.
Prior to painting my Blazer I ordered a cowl hood, to replace the factory original which was dented beyond repair. The paint/body shop said the left hinge needed to be replaced, so I bought a new one from LMC. They put the new hinge in, and installed the hood, and now things aren't aligning on the left side. The hood is too far forward, and the panel gaps aren't even. Unfortunately, the idiots cut the new hinge (as you can see) so I can't return it to LMC.
From the measurements, it looks like the new hinge is off by about .5" My question is, did I get I poorly made repop, or are they all this far off? Should I go with another new hinge, or try to source a good condition old one?