Re: 71 C10 Project "Dangerous Dinosaur" Build Thread
I'm having some light issues and LockDoc recommended making sure I had good grounds so I went around and replaced them. The old battery ground cable was no good and would flop right off the post so it was replaced. The head to firewall ground strap was broken and the frame to cab one needed cleaning up, and then I added a fender to frame and radiator support to frame ground on top of that. The lights are much brighter now but the driver's side turn signals still don't work when the headlight switch is on. There are a few other rat's nest wiring problems I have to clean up so we'll see if they fix the turn signals. I started on my bumpers as well. The truck came with a bumper that doesn't have parking light sockets so I don't think I'll be using it. I have some parking lamps from a slant nose grill that plug in where the 71 style lights go but I have to figure out a good way to mount them. Apparently zip-tying them to the grill won't cut it  I cleaned up the bumper anyway and primed it in case I need it. I started fabbing up my rear bumper as well, there is a trailer hitch in the center of some gas pipe and it will bolt up to the frame. I capped off the ends of the pipe tonight but it was too dark for pictures. Some of the welds are pretty, some are pretty ugly, but they all hold. I'm still working on welding skills. I have to get some heavier angle bracket to make the rear bumper mounts and put some supports on the top of the trailer hitch, then it will be done.
'71 Chevy C10, 250 straight six, 3 on the floor, long bed
'70 Plymouth Duster, 340 small block, 4 on the floor, 3.55 ratio 8 3/4 rear
"Rust is a major food group."
"Burn 'em if you got 'em."