Originally Posted by OrrieG
Make sure you check for column wobble as previous poster recommended. Having the steering wheel turning eccentrically would be aggravating at best. This is a lesson on why buying an assembly and repair manual is the best investment a person can make. I was fortunate to get my grandfather and fathers vintage auto manuals, but reproductions are available. Also the PO could have taken 10 minutes on Youtube and found a video on how to do it correctly. They just lost patience.
Hey thanks for the tips. I do have the manuals, but where in there do they address a bent steering column with damaged threads?
We don't all live in front of a computer screen so youtube is not naturally my go-to source when problems arise, but note taken.
BTW, if your marriage is going bad, just go to youtube, I'm sure there is a video that will fix it right up...
I'll be in the shop if you need me