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Old 05-30-2015, 07:20 PM   #1
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Front End Rebuild With A "Woops"


I was at a car show today with the tech that did the labor to rebuild the front end on my '87 GMC shortbed. I was telling him I've got a noticeable vibration/shake that comes on at about 45mph and is there up until around 55mph. Above that, it's there, but not too bad.

He replaced all of the bushings in the upper and lower control arms and put in new ball joints top and bottom, since it was apart. Tie rod ends, etc., were all still good. I know the layout of the shop, and the truck was done on a 2 post lift, and I assumed (damn, that word will bite you every time), he moved it to the ramp lift to finish tightening all down to spec. He told me the shop was busy that day, so he did all of the tightening down on the 2 post, with the suspension "unloaded". Right off the lift it went out for alignment, and I know the tech spent 2+ hours to get it right.

All was well until I drove it a couple weeks ago on a real rough (no potholes, though) road, where suddenly this shake came on out of nowhere. I know the driveshaft is good, and I've had 2 completely different sets of wheels and tires, so that's ruled out. I just don't know the results of what not finishing the suspension "loaded" could be. Thoughts are always welcome...

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