Thread: 350 sb issues
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Old 05-31-2015, 04:37 PM   #14
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Re: 350 sb issues

Sorry for the slow reply, but I got busy with my daughter's graduation. We are nearly empty nesters!

I had some time this weekend to collect a bunch more information about the engine.

First of all, I know nothing of the internals, meaning I assume the cam could be stock as well as the engine may never have been rebuilt.

Based on the casting number and engine code numbers the engine is a 350 from a 1975 Vette.
cast number: 3970010
code number: V0417CHB
Block VIN: 15s424153

I got a loaner compression tester (Brand model: OEM/27138) from Autozone and did cold/warm compression test.

• Cold / Warm
• Cyl 1: 90/108
• Cyl 2: 90/110
• Cyl 3: 87/103
• Cyl 4: 88/106
• Cyl 5: 87/103
• Cyl 6: 95/115
• Cyl 7: 88/105
• Cyl 8: 87/104

The carb is a Edelbrock 1902, which is a relabeled Q-Jet. So I don't think the 5.5 psi limitation applies to this carb.....does it?

Last edited by gmebey; 05-31-2015 at 04:39 PM. Reason: Added Carb info
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