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Old 06-01-2015, 05:29 PM   #1
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1968 chevy c10 fire or fuel problem.

My 1968 c10 250 l6 three speed on the column has started to act up and I can't find the problem. I thought it was the coil because it was very hot after running for like 10 minutes. I replaced that and when it started it sounded like it was flooded pretty bad (which made sense to me after cranking with a bad coil). For the first few minutes it ran good then it started popping and cracking and wouldn't run until I held it on the floor. I drove it home that way but when I got to the creek(yes, I drive up 1/4 mile of creek to get to my house) I had to slow down then it popped and cracked again until I floored it again. like I said, new coil, also new cap and rotor, points, wires, and plugs. Timing is set. I have adjusted the carb and it doesn't seem to make much difference.
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