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Old 06-03-2015, 09:58 AM   #9
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Re: The pain of returning a hood to Classic Industries

Classic's brand rubber parts-

i bought quite a few rubber pieces from them for my 69 shortbed.

steering column to firewall boot, gas tank grommet,and a few others. all the parts have done is sit installed on the truck for a very short timeand EVERY PIECE OF RUBBER IS ROTTEN.

i can literally see day light through the firewall rubber and the gas tank rubber looks like it would split apart if touched.

sorry its rubber nopt body parts,but i had to tell people about this from them. extremely aggrevated
1969 Shortbed in progress
1982 short step, few suspension and motor upgrades.getting a 468
1978 Shortbed fleet side bonanza fully loaded
1978 k20 Silverado loaded.currently engine-less
1989 k10 suburban 9" lift
65 nova
And more
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