Originally Posted by 99 to Life
I'm a huge fan of kill switches, safer, a theft preventive feature, makes working on any new wiring a breeze (just flip the switch and no worries). I mount mine under seat since that is where I keep my batteries. Pretty easy to lean down and flip.
on the draw note. How old is your battery? Does it only do it when it sits obviously? Do you have a constant radio wire or radio wire hooked up? Only thing I can think of right now is to take a test light, pop every fuse out one by one and see if any light up. If they do when the truck is off maybe you can find the circuit that is constantly on. Alot of circuits are key powered so there should only be certain ones that would draw constant if the key isn't turned.
also you just installed a new harness right? what brand and how many circuit?
The battery is only about a year old.....but it is a cheap Walmart battery.
I just installed a EZ-Wire kit. 12 circuit. I have been fighting this issue for awhile, before I installed the new wiring.
I have had multiple issues. First it was a battery with a bad cell, then I had a bad junk yard alternator when I installed the SBC. I still had a drain, but it was with the old wiring. Now the wiring has been replaced and still have an issue.
The alternator test good (getting 14.85vdc out of it) and the battery holds a charge.