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Old 06-03-2015, 12:00 PM   #2
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Re: dash cut for radio - now what

Originally Posted by Joesprocket View Post
hey guys - i'm new to the forum. I bought a 69' short bed last year and currently am having it painted. I hated this when i bought it but it is what it is - some asshat cut the dash to fit a modern stereo.
You will have to fix that yourself. There are a few guys selling 'radio delete' and 'ashtray delete' plates but I always thought they looked like scabs on a pigs butt. Get a three inch grinder, a cutoff wheel and a piece of 16 ga cold rolled. Make a new bezel for the radio of your choice then use the cutoff wheel to cut out the butchered parts. Trim your fabficated bezel to fit the hole and welderup! The asshat that owned my truck before I got it chopped the dash up pretty badly too, so I just cut the bad part out and replaced it with a flat panel and built the radio faceplate and shifter into a center console..
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