Originally Posted by crazy longhorn
My thoughts, are that a PULLER fan, will work better than the pusher? will it fit the back side of the radiator, as a puller? Longhorn
I'm also a fan of puller fans, especially in truck with as much frontal surface area as we have.
Achim- triple check that you have the fan blade installed the correct way, and that the fan's polarity is correct. With one or the other setup backwards, your
Pusher isn't pushing. You can also check to see if your fan is compatible as a
Puller fan, and try setting it up that way.
The nice thing about a
puller, is that because we have big front ends, we have a large amount area for air to penetrate the grill and hit the radiator. With your current
Pusher fan, the fan itself is blocking air flow from outside. With a
puller fan, you see better "free cooling" with the fan off. In hot temps, it will pull the air through the radiator, and help to direct the extra airflow back over the engine and out of the engine bay.
I feel the
puller fans help evacuate under hood temps more efficiently. Not to mention the leave room in front for oil coolers/trans coolers/power steering coolers/inter coolers....basically any kind of cooler