HP Tuners tuning info
Hey guys. I am working on some type of step by step plan to tune my own ECM.
I bought hptubers VCM Pro and have a wide and ordered.
I really haven't found what to or how to start. I think maybe it is self explanatory after you have done it. But I have a few questions
1-what engine/trans information is needed before you start to tune?
2-Best to change 1 thing and resave the tune each time?
3-What is the sequence for flashing the ECM or "flash calibrate only".
a-Flash ECM.
b-After uploaded shut ignition switch off for 30 sec? And than start engine?
4-What is the 1st thing to check or change?
5-When looking on YouTube I seen a few tuning videos on "LNF" what is LNF? Is this the same as how we would tune a NA stockish engine?
Ok I am sure the answers to these questions will pose more questions.
Thanks in advanced.
1956 Chevy Bel Air 2 door
1956 Chevy 210 4 Door
1970 K20 LWB project the Hulk build w/Supercharged 4.8L-ly2/4L60E HULK BUILD
1970 C10 Yellow/White Deluxe LWB w/ 5.3L-LC9/6L80E
1968 K10 LWB Dark green my son calls it "THE HULK Jr" HULK JR *SOLD*
GO  GO!!!