Originally Posted by ConradBSomething
So my truck's PO tried to cut the radio opening and did a terrible job of it.
I don't have near the skills to weld in a new section, and I'd hate to lose pin stripping on other parts of the dash, so I was wondering what other folks here did with there cut up messes.
Thanks in advance!
I know your PO pains lol mine did much worse to my dash for a stereo lol easiest way i fixed mine was to fix the cut straight useing a dremel tool and put in a 1 din trying to show you b4 and after pics . the last one is the final product of my fix it's not perfect but the beauty ring around the stereo hides any of the imperfections that were left from the cutting after applying paint it will look good enough you won't be able to tell. I was not the one who did all the cutting on the dash that was the previous owner I'd like to say he stopped there but he didn't my poor truck has been cut at the bottom of both doors simply because the moron dropped a tool down inside the door and couldn't fit his arm in to reach it. so Hey let's just cut a hole not in one door but both after screwing up the dash cut in the original spot for the radio the previous owner decided he'd cover that up with a piece of plastic and cut a new hole out of the ashtray spot lol. I firmly believe I have saved this truck even though I don't have the proper tools or enough money to do the job right I am going to screwin or pop rivet A piece of aluminum into the spot where the three holes are cut and put a clock in there to fix that spot the ashtray spot is going to have 3 gauges mounted In a aluminum patch panel to fix that spot it's the best and cheapest fix I can do I think when done it will look pretty good. so you see I understand all too well wanting to punch the previous owner in there head lol