Originally Posted by 1project2many
...Larger panels were cleaned with 3M bristle wheels...
I think THIS is what I'm most likely going to do. Question though: with either 3M wheels or wire wheels I assume I'd have to sand afterward to get a "tooth" on the metal, wipe down with a pre paint metal prep, then epoxy prime. What grit? 80?
I initially thought of sandblasting for speed because I have a limited time with my brother-in-law's help before he leaves for home overseas. I wanted his help reassembling but that now looks unlikely so I'll take my time using a 3M or simple wire wheel. And as for electrolysis, yes I DO tend to think of it for heavily rusted parts of which I really have none...so far. But even if I did I know me and I'd be tapping my toes waiting around for it. I have no issue with it for others but maybe it's just not my style.