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Old 06-11-2015, 04:39 AM   #1
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Covered door panels

I want to see some of you guys' covered door panels. Not the ones that are some kind of deviation from stock. Just some door panels that were maybe covered in vinyl, or whatever material, and then had all the factory trim that it came with, put back on.

I'm asking because my truck is a TX truck, and the door panels can't be saved. UNLESS, I can manage to hide some bad spots. They're the saddle tan color, I believe. Whatever the really light tan color was, in 87. The sun has made them ever so slightly warped and wavy, up at the top where the sun hits the most, near the window. However, vinyl (or leather??) would hopefully be just thick enough to hide this, and remove it from the equation. SEM isn't going to work in my situation, due to what the sun has done to the top.

So anyone here had their panels covered in any decent, flat material? I'm not looking for shag carpet or anything weird like that. If I did this, it would be in an attempt to make them look as OEM as humanly possible, so those are the types of cover jobs I'm looking for. Please post up any pics, or links to any threads you know of.
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