81 Cab & Chassis Build
My wife and I went to look at this truck about two hours away in Joplin. It seemed pretty solid. I can find a little bit of bubbling in the rockers. The cab supports and inner rockers are rock solid. I climb all over it and the only thing I don't like is the bed. It is a homemade job with 2-3/8 drill pipe for runners then 2x12s laid over that and them sheeted in .125" diamond plate. Looks decent but nothing I would bolt a goose neck hitch to. It hadn't been tagged since 2012. The guy had a diesel tank on the bed and drove it to town one a month to get fuel for his tractor. The preacher that owned before the gentleman I bought it from died at 85 with quite a vehicle collection. They were buddies and the guy helped the widow sell off most of the vehicles. I guess he kept this one an a couple others for a few years.
BRB. Have to go do something.