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Old 06-17-2015, 11:29 AM   #7
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Re: Need a Fuel Tank Selector Valve

I cannot verify it actually works, but a google search for the part number "467513" also yeilds results for a "FV1T" valve that looks very similar.

Might be worth a shot? It doesn't look like it has return lines, though. Standard Motor Products FV1T Fuel... Standard Motor Products FV1T Fuel...

**On a side note, I bet the newer style with the 6-port plug can be adapted to work. If somebody wants to do the legwork and track down a wiring diagram, I'll see if I can work something up.
I know a little about cars, but if you have a question about electricity or sport quads, I'm your man!!!

Last edited by wilkin250r; 06-17-2015 at 11:43 AM.
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