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Old 06-18-2015, 09:25 PM   #17
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Re: We All Need To Pickup The Phone One In A While ?

I am an master electrican and commercial plan reviewer. I have to meet with people one on one and in groups. I actually enjoy most of it. There are a few who are a pain, but all in all its good. I have photos of my family, farmall tractors, 55-59 and 67-72 chevy trucks and various electrical humor in my cubicle. Almost everyone who comes in has a comment about something. I think it helps lighten the mood since one of the reviewers is Romanian and his cube looks like stalag 19. No one likes him and he is not a very pleasant person. Our department has a bad rep, partially because of him. Ive tried to get him to lighten up, but it seems to be a lost cause. He never eats fruits or vegetables and always complains of stomach trouble and being worried. Go figure!
He has terrible interpersonal skills. If someone doesnt understand something he just repaets it, only louder. Yelling usually results. He responds to everyones informal emails, even coworkers like me with their full name, such as "Dear Mr. John Smith,"...hes in his late 50's , so i am starting to believe that you really cant teach an old dog new tricks.
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