Thread: Failed Attempt
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Old 06-22-2015, 12:28 AM   #10
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Re: Failed Attempt

Sorry I havent been posting updates. Work keeps getting in the way.

I tried starting the 85 C-20 the other day and it still cranks over very slow. And I had to add a bit of gas to the carb, then it fired up. My brother is telling me it may need a new fuel pump. Personally Im betting it may be the cables and possibly the starter. At the end of this month I have a week off. So I plan on pulling the starter and getting it tested. Ordering new battery cables and battery, and will look into a new pump and some fuel lines.

Currently Im still deciding what I want to do with the 81 K-20. Think it may just get a 6in lift 35's and paint. It will be a long term project for sure.
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