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Old 06-23-2015, 10:38 AM   #4
Stalker Nate
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Langley, BC, Canada
Posts: 1,556
Re: WIW Factory Tinted Glass

I often see windshields for $50-100 as brand new are only $150. Side glass is cheap & so is rear. Most I find get new glass so selling old glass takes awhile. Try $200 if you have all 4 pieces, less if not. I've held on to glass for years due to nobody wanting it, other than the windshields which are always needed.
1957 GMC SWB stepper modified summer time driver
1963 Chevy Fire Dept. Command Center Van 2 ton - future food vending truck project
1965 Chevy P10 Ice Cream Truck project

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