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Old 06-23-2015, 03:06 PM   #3
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Re: Granny Gears Too Low..Solutions ?

Now just changing the transmission in itself is not gonna help unless you go to a newer type overdrive. Without the overdrive they all end up at the same place 1:1. The gears are probably stupid low but with the K truck you have to change the fronts also so that is a double hit in the wallet. Taller tires will help some but if your geared real low not much gain to be had. To get it to a comfortable place all three may have to be done. I have a one ton that has 5:38 gears and I am thinking a overdrive and a 4:10 rear gear then it will cruise more comfortably. you know there is a lot more riding done in trucks than back then they went to work and gas was also about 75 cents a gallon too. Jim
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