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Old 06-24-2015, 09:38 PM   #25
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Re: Where Do You Hail From?

Originally Posted by cayoterun View Post
Guymon, Okla.

"It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here"

It's not the place to live for everyone, but if you like solitude, peace, quiet, great helpful neighbors and independent farming/ranching way of life, it couldn't be better.

Many guys like to restore old tractors, trucks, cars, or old machinery for pastime in slow seasons in their shops. Not for show and tell, but personal enjoyment.

Women can feed a "belly-bustin" meal off the tailgate of a pickup to a harvest crew in the field, change diapers, drive a tractor or grain truck as well as anyone, when needed.

It's weather can give you all four seasons within 24 hrs.

Sadly, it's a dying way of life. Young people are moving to the bright lights and mega-farms/ranchs are taking over.
I was in Guymon once. It was the day the Challenger exploded in 1986. Had to go there for business. Stayed at the Best Western motel.
Swamp Angel Truckers
'72 C10 Highlander

People who blindly follow a GPS end up on television programs on The Weather Channel. Some survive, some don't.
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