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Old 06-26-2015, 04:14 PM   #16
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Re: Nice truck "BUT"

Originally Posted by Andy4639 View Post
I drive mine everyday. I put stuff in my bed all the time. It's as nice as this one to me.
He may not drive it and that is why he is selling it more than likely. If I bought it I would drive it. Just because it's 4x4 doesn't mean you have to punish it.
There is no need to put it down because it's not your taste.
I don't buy vehicles to look at, I buy them to drive and let other's look at them!
Don't mistake me. I am not putting it down. It is a very nice truck. There are a few things that are not to my taste, but that is how it is with any. If I had it I would change a few things, but I am not putting it down. The build quality looks to be excellent. You probably can't build it for what it sold for.

-My issues are that I think the seller mis-represented it. It is not a 4x4 cab and there is no such thing as a 4x4 with big block.
-I think that "restored" is an improper use in the case of this truck. It was a ground up frame off total rebuild or something like that. To me "restored" is at least semi-stock. That is my opinion.
-I hope whoever bought it does drive it, I'm glad that you do. I am saying that there are few people that would use that as a truck anymore. The bed is perfect. The underside is as slick as the top. That means that if you go through any mud or dirt that it will never look like that again. I don't mean abuse it, just driving it will not be kind if the underside is as nice as it looks. That is what I was trying to say.
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