Originally Posted by padresag
I remember that we had a customer in the early 70's in Vanderhoof, b.c. who was about 5'6" tall and he had gone into Prince George for parts( they had a logging company and a farm) and he had gone into Robert Morse(Fairbanks Morse) and he got stuck behind the steering wheel and couldn't get out by himself. the employee's there made a deal with him. they would get him out if they could put him on the scales and measure his waist. Tiny weighed in at 512lb and measured 98" around the waist. he was stuck in a chevy pu circa 66- 70
lol well no getting stuck for me as my buddy chevy Mike here made me a custom steering column for my c10 so i fit nicely now that and a smaller steering wheel and i fit with plenty of room now ... it will be even better when i go tilt and power steering ... cant wait to do that upgrade