Thread: 350 swap
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Old 07-01-2015, 11:31 AM   #5
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Re: 350 swap

Originally Posted by TJ's Chevy View Post
350's aren't all that Fun. A 383 or something like a 427 is Fun. A 350....that's just common.
You might want to adopt the "to each their own" philosophy. It seems like whenever I browse these forums I am seeing you wine about people putting 350's in their trucks (emphasis on "their"). Get over it man. There isn't anything wrong with them. I'm sure to a lot of people, they are the most viable solution when it comes to money and power output. Not everyone wants or has a straight six to rebuild, or has the know how to build a stroker motor, do an LS Swap, or can afford to buy a new crate engine.
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