Thread: Front Axle
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Old 07-07-2015, 03:00 PM   #2
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Re: Front Axle

I think you are on the right track. Assuming your axle is not bent, replace the other king pins and upgrade to the CCP steering. Also look at the tie rod ends, may a well replace those too so you remove that variable. Then go get a good alignment at a shop that know these old trucks. Tire are probably a factor too, on my Chevelle I run skinny 14" tires on stock rims in the winter and 15" Cragars with wider tires in summer. Driving the same roads I can notice now it tracks differently. It is better with the wider tires, the track width is closer to modern cars, the narrowed tires are always trying to climb the sides of the grooves we have up here in our pavement due to poor maintenance.
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