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Old 07-08-2015, 12:56 PM   #1
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Questions about Tailgate Chains


I am working on getting my old fleetside road ready. I bought chrome plated chains, brackets, and pins for my tailgate. As I have looked around, I have realized that there is metal to metal contact and movement. The result seems to be damaged chrome/paint and rust.

It also seems that the fleet sides tailgates that I have seen don't close as tightly as stepsides so there is more movement/wear?

I am curious if anyone has ever used a more durable coating or finish on the contact points to avoid rust.

I don't have the truck in front of me, but could you use a small square of skateboard type grip tape on the tailgate to protect it from the bracket?

Any ideas on how I could use the chains and avoid damaged finishes and rust?

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