Some assembly required……
After reading the boards for months, I took the plunge and purchased a 72 Blazer. I had looked at several, but most had unknown cosmetic repairs done, and decided that at least with this one, hopefully most of the issues were at least visible. It’s a bit rough, but I’ve seen folks resurrect worst and figured I would give it a try.
The tub seems reasonably good. The bed floor is solid except for the last foot or so. The one remaining door aligns well, although I haven’t been brave enough to loosen the top. The rocker boxes, while needing to be replaced, are certainly stable at this point.
I know I need to replace the bedsides, tailgate, inner/outer rockers, rocker boxes, doors, and patch the floors, etc.
Although I’ve done a couple frame off’s before, I’ve never done a convertible, so I get a little nervous about doing something out of order and ending up with alignment issues as I progress.
I was trying to plan out the proper order to continue with and I’m hoping to get a perspective from some people that have been down this path before.
-Pull body off frame , remove the rear bedsides, and get the frame and remainder of the body media blasted.
-Put the body back on frame with new body bushings, repair the rear floor, and loose install new bedsides/tailgate. Put the top back on, square the bedsides, align doors, and tighten everything up.
I could then move on to the inner/outer rocker panels and rocker boxes. I guess this is also a bit of a mystery to me as well, but it looks like you do the inner/ outer rocker panels first, and the rocker/torsion boxes are the last step.