Originally Posted by mygirlz55
If I'm going to go with a column shift (automatic) are there any problems I will run into, or is it pretty much straight forward install? Any linkage stuff I need to get etc.
The PO of the truck tore a big hole in the floor to put a cheap floor shift in and it looks like crap so I'd like to go with a keyless column shift...probably going to check junk yards first.
The only issue would be where the shift arm is and how close it will be to the engine, In task force truck is not a real issue but in AD trucks it can be the sole reason for a floor shift.
Take a wood dowel about 3 feet long and a piece of 1x 2 about 14" long and make a T out of them. then tape a 6 inch piece of card board to the other end and so when finished it looks like a J. The 6 inch piece would be the shift arm at the bottom, the 14" piece the steering wheel. Use that as the guide to get a length you want to end up with, it will also tell you if you have clearance for a shift lever down there, leave about 4 inches out of the bottom past the floor board. Just know that the steering wheel adapter can add 3" - 6" if you use one.
Ididit has a nice "how to" on getting the correct column