Originally Posted by CST10
I talked to Clifford performance. They have a 250 combo package that they claim adds 70% more HP with just intake, carb and headers.
That seems like a huge unrealistic power gain with just bolt ons. I could see maybe 30% but 70%?
Anyone have this set up and can verify that claim?
No offense meant to you or to anyone who prefers "original" trucks, stuff, motors, etc. But you my friend (sound like me and my buddies) are a HOT RODDER. In my opinion the only way you will ever be happy with that 6 banger is to put a big a** turbo on it.
There is a reason ALL the drag racers went away from the flat head fords and the 6 bangers. Yeah you can buy expensive pieces, and drill this out and bore that and in the end you will almost be somewhere close to where a wore out 5.3 LQ9 would be after it had 300,000 miles on it.
Sometimes we have to be honest with yourself and to yourself.
That is a beautiful truck and to the guy who could love it as is it is perfect. To a true HOT RODDER, not so much.
Now to me, I have a 67 Nova drag car project with a 496 and a glide. A 67 black pro-street car with an LS-2 and a 6 speed. Building a 68 1 ton dually short bed step side 327 (for now??). If I had that truck I would probably drive it as it sits. (for now??) I dig it just how it is. But I also know what you mean about firing it up at the show and driving out wishing it was loping like a blown big block instead of sounding like grandpa's farm truck.
Like Popeye used to say. "I Yam What I Yam, and dat's all that I Yam.