just be carefull what you pull outa the jy.
i found this rear bar on a 2wd leaf spring square body blazer i layed in the mud too get it out on a rainy day

i cant for the life of me get it too fit my trailing arm suspention without shock relocation and flex brake line relocation even then it comes to close for comfort too the springs.
dummy me.
but i do think its a helwig bar from the 80's at least from the searches i've done it matches one of them. of course it needs some work but the bar is soild.
i allready put a 1 1/4" bar up front from a "p" van/box truck.
the frame brackets i got from the p seem too be shorter and beefier than the frame brackets we got off a 3/4 ton 67-72 for the kids thinner front sway bar.I did have compairson pics but cant find'em
when the times come too drive my project i'll get a z 28 rear bar just too try it out.
81 camaro 355 4/spd 342 posi my first love

67 swb step 454/4spd ott 373 posi 4/7 drop.
2000 s10 zr2 little blue truck that never gets stuck.
'74 heald super bronc vt8. tecumseh powered moon rover.