Originally Posted by joedoh
I like the blue. I like the charcaol too but doing enough bodywork to have the finished product actually LOOK like that would be insanity, I would never leave the house.
I think the modern lights with halos and projectors look terrible and detract from the classic look of the truck. and I love modern stuff. just my crappy opinion though
I agree. I love the classic look and think the Halo's totally take away from it. If the projectors look stock and just provide better light output I could get behind them. But if it's obvious I would pass. I see Halo's on vehicles all the time that didn't come with them from the factory, and they always look totally cheesy. Actually I like the look of the new SRT Chargers and Challengers, and even on those, the headlights look cheesy. I think BMW was the only company that could really pull it off. Nice looking renderings otherwise!